Thursday, 7 July 2011


July 8th:
- google topic to get overview of people and theories involved in structures in earthquakes and the people involved in the structures of the two cities that I am studying
- make Gantt chart

July 9th- 17th:
 -read my books on why structures fail whilst on holiday

July 18th- 22nd:
- Work experience with Sir Robert McAlpine engineering company

August 1st- 5th:
- spend time in the Imperial library researching structures in earthquakes
- find programmes about Hiroshima earthquake in Japan (2011) and articles on Sumatra earthquake in Andaman Islands (2004) to start my research for essay

End of August:
- hopefully get work experience with Arup around this time
- continue with research

September 1st - 6th:
- begin writing essay, by coallating all research

possible cities to compare

At my residential this week at Imperial I had a lecture on Earth science and was able to pick up some information for my project on Earthquakes. 

The Sumatra earthquake of 2004 is of magnitud 9.3, similar to Japan's Hiroshima of magnitud 9 on the richter scale. They both suffered an earthquake and tsunami and are therefore similar situations. Sumatra however was in 2004 so it might be interesting to discover how/ if buildings have improved over 7 years.