Wednesday 24 August 2011

Imperial College London Library

On the 22nd August I went to a university library to read their books on engineering in earthquakes. This was a daunting idea at first, but i managed to pluck up the courage to go and it turned out to be an extremely useful thing to do. I intend to go again, either to the same library or a different London university Library.

I took notes from three different books which i sourced:

  • Introduction to Earthquake Engineering, second edition, Shunzo Okamoto, University of Tokyo Press,copyright 1984
  • Design of Earthquake-resistant Buildings,Minoru Wakabayashi, McGraw-Hill Book Company USA, copyright 1986
  • Urban Disaster Mitigation- the role of engineering and technology, Elsevier Science Ltd, copyright 1995
These books gave me background knowledge to my project, but now i need to research in depth the two cities i have decided to research for my essay, and then start writing my essay. 

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